Why use electrostimulation for the pectoral muscles?
Electrostimulation is a completely natural method that uses electrical impulses to strengthen muscles and soothe pain.
Find out everything you need to know about this method and how electrostimulation targeted on the pectorals is effective for strengthening muscles or treating aches.
Electrostimulation : principle and applications
When our brain sends an electrical impulse to one of our muscles through our nerve fibers, the natural contraction of that muscle occurs.
Electrostimulation is a natural process for causing muscle contraction through electrical impulses. These weak electric currents, of different frequencies and intensities, are generated by a device and transmitted via electrodes placed on the muscle to be targeted.
The objective of electrostimulation is to identically reproduce the process of the natural contraction of our muscles.
Electrotherapy has been used for many years in the medical and paramedical sector, but also in the world of sport with the following main applications:
● The relief of acute or chronic pain,
● Relaxation of muscles through the promotion of blood circulation,
● Muscle building.
Why use electrostimulation for the pectoral muscles?
One of the main benefits of electrostimulation is that it can target most of the muscles in our body.
For the pectoral muscles, it is particularly effective in soothing pain and optimizing muscle strengthening.
Soothe an ache
Body aches are muscular pains that appear between 12 and 24 hours after resuming physical activity following a period of rest or after intensive effort.
These pains generally fade after a few days, but can sometimes persist and become very debilitating.
Electrostimulation combined with stretching exercises helps to relieve pain and promote the healing of damaged muscle fibers.
To treat aches in the pectoral muscles, place the electrodes on these muscles and then perform several daily sessions depending on the intensity of the pain. The electrical impulses must be of a low intensity in order to work the muscles gently.
You can continue the electrostimulation sessions until the pain completely disappears.
Strengthen the pectoral muscles
Electrostimulation can also be used by athletes to optimize the results obtained during training sessions.
The muscle fibers contract repeatedly because of the electrical impulses and create microlesions which force the cells to renew themselves. This muscle regeneration strengthens the muscles by developing their strength and endurance.
To be particularly effective, electrostimulation must be combined with regular physical activity.
You can use electrostimulation during your training by placing the electrodes on your pectoral muscles while performing your usual exercises.
Many strength training exercises targeting the pectoral muscles can be performed in combination with electrostimulation, such as:
● Pumping,
● The bench press,
● The incline press with dumbbells,
● Dips,
● Pull overs,
● Etc.
Electrostimulation can also be used after your sports sessions to promote recovery and limit the risk of stiffness.
How an electrostimulation session for the pectoral muscles works
During an electrostimulation session targeted on the pectoral muscles, you must place the electrodes on the outside of the pectoral muscles.
The recommended duration for an electrostimulation session is at least 20 minutes. The choice of the intensity of the electrical impulses depends on how you feel.
The higher the intensity of the pulses, the more effective the electrostimulation.
If you are a beginner, always start with a low intensity. You can increase this intensity throughout the session, as your body gets used to the sensation.
Note that under no circumstances should an electrostimulation session be painful. However, you may experience tingling and a warm sensation.
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