What is Electrostimulation?
Electrostimulation is a method that mirrors the natural process used by our brain when contracting our muscles. Electrical pulses with different frequencies and intensity, regrouped into specific programmes, form the fundamental principle of electrostimulation. The process has 3 main goals: easing pain, relaxation or strengthening a muscle.
Since the middle of the last century, electrostimulation has played a therapeutic or comfort role, as shown by numerous scientific studies. It is an essential tool of the medical and paramedical sector, but it's equally used globally in physical activity and the world of sport.
Pain relief
Electrostimulation offers a non-medicinal, natural and effective solution to relieve any kind of pain.
For this, 2 main stimulation modes are used to relieve the pain, one with immediate effect called "Gate Control"and a slower one that lasts over time called "Burst".

Relaxation of muscular tension
Electrostimulation massages and relaxes muscles by stimulating blood circulation and eliminating toxins accumulated in the muscle for immediate pain and tension relief.

Muscle strengthening
Combining physical activity with electrostimulation programs (active and passive stimulation) is highly effective, and is used as a training method by some of the world's greatest athletes. The technique improves sports performance by strengthening the muscle - developing its durability and potency, without harming any joints.